Enhanced voice dialing
You can make a phone call by saying the name that is saved in the
contact list of the phone. Voice commands are language-dependent. To
set the language, see
Recognition lang.
in “Phone,” p. 54.
Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisy environment or
during an emergency, so you should not rely solely upon voice dialing in
all circumstances.
1. In the standby mode, press and hold the right selection key, or press
and hold the volume down key. A short tone is played, and
Speak now
is displayed.
2. Say the voice command clearly. If the voice recognition is successful,
a list with matches is shown. The phone plays the voice command of
the match on the top of the list. If the result is not the correct one,
scroll to another entry.
Using voice commands to carry out a selected phone function is
similar to voice dialing. See
Voice commands
in “My shortcuts,” p. 47.